「GIS电子书」 GIS and Archaeological Site Location Modeling(PDF版本)
尽管考古学家越来越频繁地使用GIS技术,但相关研究的出版速度并未跟上步伐。 《GIS和考古遗址定位建模》是对该主题最新探索的综合性研究,包括理论和方法论的讨论、尺度、数据、定量方法和文化资源管理,并使用位置模型和案例研究来说明这些概念。
Although archaeologists are using GIS technology at an accelerating rate, publication of their work has not kept pace. A state-of-the-art exploration the subject, GIS and Archaeological Site Location Modeling pulls together discussions of theory and methodology, scale, data, quantitative methods, and cultural resource management and uses location models and case studies to illustrate these concepts. This book, written by a distinguished group of international authors, reassesses the practice of predictive modeling as it now exists and examines how it has become useful in new ways. A guide to spatial procedures used in archaeology, the book provides a comprehensive treatment of predictive modeling. It draws together theoretical models and case studies and explains how modeling may be applied to future projects. The book illustrates the various aspects of academic and practical applications of predictive modeling. It also discusses the need to assess the reliability of the results and the implications of reliability assessment on the further development of predictive models. Of the books available on GIS, some touch on archaeological applications but few cover the topic in such depth. Both up to date and containing case studies from a wide range of geographical locations including Europe, the USA, and Australia, this book sets a baseline for future developments.
作者: Mark W. Mehrer, Konnie L. Wescott
出版商: Taylor & Francis
出版时间: 2006
ISBN编号: 9780415315487,0415315484

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