「GIS电子书」 GIS and Crime Mapping (Mastering GIS: Technol, Applications & Mgmnt)(PDF版本)
《GIS与犯罪地图制作》提供了支持读者开发和实施犯罪地图制作的基本信息和参考材料。相关案例研究有助于演示犯罪地图制作的关键原则、概念和应用。本书将理论原理、GIS、分析技术、数据处理解决方案、信息共享、问题解决方法、地图设计以及在警务和犯罪减少中利用犯罪地图制作的组织结构等主题结合起来。以易于理解的方式呈现,内容涵盖了支持警务行动、战术和战略的犯罪地图使用的三个广泛领域。提供了完整的犯罪地图制作覆盖范围,包括理论、科学方法、分析技术和设计原则。包括面向警务行动、战术和战略目的的犯罪地图应用的全面介绍。包括全球案例研究和实例,以展示良好的实践。由GIS和犯罪地图领域的知名研究员兼顾问Spencer Chainey与著名教授和前警官Jerry Ratcliffe共同撰写。本书是犯罪分析员和其他在执法或犯罪减少方面从事情报工作的专业人士的必读之物,适用于地方、地区和国家政府层面。对于攻读GIS、测绘学、犯罪地图、犯罪科学、刑事司法和犯罪学等本科和硕士课程的学生来说,也是一本优秀的参考书。
The growing potential of GIS for supporting policing and crime reduction is now being recognised by a broader community. GIS can be employed at different levels to support operational policing, tactical crime mapping, detection, and wider-ranging strategic analyses. With the use of GIS for crime mapping increasing, this book provides a definitive reference.GIS and Crime Mapping provides essential information and reference material to support readers in developing and implementing crime mapping. Relevant case studies help demonstrate the key principles, concepts and applications of crime mapping.This book combines the topics of theoretical principles, GIS, analytical techniques, data processing solutions, information sharing, problem-solving approaches, map design, and organisational structures for using crime mapping for policing and crime reduction. Delivered in an accessible style, topics are covered in a manner that underpins crime mapping use in the three broad areas of operations, tactics and strategy.Provides a complete start-to-finish coverage of crime mapping, including theory, scientific methodologies, analysis techniques and design principles.Includes a comprehensive presentation of crime mapping applications for operational, tactical and strategic purposes.Includes global case studies and examples to demonstrate good practice.Co-authored by Spencer Chainey, a leading researcher and consultant on GIS and crime mapping, and Jerry Ratcliffe, a renowned professor and former police officer.This book is essential reading for crime analysts and other professionals working in intelligence roles in law enforcement or crime reduction, at the local, regional and national government levels. It is also an excellent reference for undergraduate and Masters students taking courses in GIS, Geomatics, Crime Mapping, Crime Science, Criminal Justice and Criminology.
作者: Spencer Chainey, Jerry Ratcliffe
出版商: Wiley
出版时间: 2005
ISBN编号: 0470860995,9780470860991

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